7 Signs You Need New Windows

Posted on: Wednesday, October 10th, 2018  |  Comments Off on 7 Signs You Need New Windows

The decision to replace your windows is a big one. The average cost of replacing a complete homes windows can vary drastically from several thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars depending on who you use and what options you want to select in your windows.

Seems like a huge upgrade — and it is — and you’ll only have to spend that kind of money every couple decades.

Add in the money you’ll save on your energy bill and the only question you should have is “How do I know it’s time for new windows?”

We’ve got seven answers for that question. If you’re wondering when it’s time for new windows, these are the seven signs to look for…

1. Your Home Needs a Facelift

If you’re remodeling your home, either to sell or because you feel it’s time, now is the perfect time for new windows.

New windows aren’t only energy-efficient (more on that later!) but they’ll also add value to your home. Windows are one of the first things people notice about your house. Different types and styles of windows are available to suit any taste.

2. Your Current Windows are Broken, Damaged, or Warped

Over time, windows warp. If the damage is in your weatherstripping, you may get away with repairing it.

If the frame or sash is damaged, replacing it is always preferred. Repairing larger problems is often only a band-aid. In time, your windows will need replacing, and now you’ve spent money on a repair and a replacement.

If you’re not sure if you need a repair or a complete window replacement, contact a reputable builder and schedule a consultation.

3. Your Windows are Foggy or Have Condensation

If your windows fog up or condensation forms, you need to replace your windows. This happens when it’s colder outside than inside your home. Your windows are no longer providing you a protective barrier from the elements.

4. You Can’t Open or Close Your Windows

Safety issues aside, not being able to open your windows is a sign you need new ones. There are times when you need to open your windows for ventilation.

Older homes sometimes have the windows painted shut by sloppy workmanship. Some homeowners think paint is adding insulation. Whether it’s the result of an accident or flawed thinking, paint shouldn’t be a hindrance in opening your windows.

The same thing goes for windows that won’t close. If your windows don’t close all the way, this is a major problem. Unwelcomed critters, rain, and cold air is getting inside, costing you money and headaches.

5. Your Windows Won’t Stay Open or Closed

It’s just as important that your windows stay open or closed without assistance. If you’re using something to prop your windows open or keep them closed, this is a clear sign it’s time for new windows.

6. New Windows Are Energy-Efficient

If one of your routine fall projects is applying plastic to your window panes, it’s time for replacement windows. You’re spending valuable time, energy, and money for something that isn’t yielding results.

Drafty windows are a major cause for high energy bills in the winter. Heating makes up 45% of your energy bill. If cold air is coming in through your windows and hot air is leaving, this is costing you a lot of money.

In the summer, the opposite happens. Hot air gets in and cooler air from your AC gets out. Remember your mom yelling, “Shut the door! I’m not air conditioning the whole neighborhood!” — you now feel her pain.

7. Your Current Windows Need Too Much Maintenance

The bottom line is if you’re replacing the weatherstripping, plastic-sealing your windows, or using anything to prop them open or keep them shut, it’s time for new windows.

If your older home has single-pane windows and you’ve gotten them repaired too many times to count, you need to have them replaced.

You shouldn’t need to spend any time or money on window maintenance. The good news is, newer windows come with a warranty that protects you from these constant headaches.

Trust the Experts

The decision to invest in new windows may seem like a big one. But if you’re experiencing any of these seven issues, the answer should be easy.

New windows will add to the value of your home and lower your energy bills. You shouldn’t set aside hours to blow-dry plastic to keep your windows insulated. Using household items to keep your windows open and shut should never be an option.

If you need help understanding the new technologies in today’s best replacement windows, call the experts.

Hillsview Building Windows & Doors will answer all your questions and find the right solution for you. Don’t take our word for it — check out what our customers have to say!

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